
Cathcart Castle Golf Club


Membership Information

Play when you choose - and play as many holes as you want.  One of the benefits of being a member of a golf club is that you don't have to play 18 holes every time you go out and you still get great value from your membership.

If you don't always have the time - to play 18 holes of golf, you can go out late afternoon or evening on a weekday or at the weekend, and play as few or as many holes as you want to. Our course lends itself to playing shortened rounds, if you just want to blow away the cobwebs or get a bit of extra practise.

On the course - the first 10 holes bring you back to the clubhouse or you can play the back 8 holes, provided the way is clear. There are various alternative permutations, involving 5 or 6 holes from the first 10 holes or just play from the 11th to the 16th. Make the most of your valuable time and play golf whenever it suits you.

Reciprocal Golf

You can play at James Braid & 1895 Clubs.

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Membership Categories

Category Subscription Entry Fee* Bar Card Information
Full Member £1195 £500/£600 £90
Age Specific Adult Member £424 see # below £60 18-21yrs old
Age Specific Adult Member £554 see # below £60 22-25yrs old
Age Specific Adult Member £791 see # below £60 26-29yrs old
Introductory Membership £1045 see note* £90
Introductory Full £1195 see note* £90

Junior Age 15-17
Junior Age 11-14


Social Membership £50 NIL £25

Membership Category details

Full  - this category offers unrestricted golf throughout the year, including competition play and full use of the clubhouse facilities.

Age - specific adult Member  - Open to age ranges between 18 to 21, 22 to 25 & 26 to 29 years old. #No entry fee due. Age specific members can choose to pay entry fee after 1 year of membership to obtain a vote at Club meetings and equity in the Club.

Full Introductory/Introductory - This membership entitles access to the course 7 days a week. Full introductory allows for competition play, Introductory does not. Available to new members and for one term only. Handicap can be obtained with general play scores. *No entry fee due for spell of introductory membership - Entry fee due upon renewal of membership after 12 months if intro member choses to convert to Full Membership.

Junior  - We encourage juniors to apply to join the club. Juniors have full access to the course on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday with restricted availability on other days. They have access to all clubhouse facilities.

Family - there are three options available for family memberships:
1. If there are 2 juniors or more, who are from the same family and neither parent is a member the 2nd child pays half the annual subscription (£100) and the 3rd child and any subsequent child pays 1/3rd (£66.67).
2. If there are 2 adults with one child or more (eligible as juniors), each child pays half price (£100).
3. If there is one adult and 2 children, who are either juniors or youths, the 2nd child and each child thereafter pay half if a junior or 2/3rds if a youth.

Social - Social members have full use of all the clubhouse facilities.

Member's guest green fees - view rates for member's guest green fees.

Finance - We offer payment by installments via our recommended finance provider,   Orchard Golf Finance. For further information contact the office. Cathcart Castle Golf Club is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Orchard Funding Ltd which is a lender authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with number 725315. Company number 06656377 registered at 222 Armstrong Road Luton LU2 0FY. Instalment credit option subject to terms, conditions, and acceptance.

Membership incentives

Incentives for existing Members:

£50 bar card credit if you introduce a new golfer to the Club.

If you introduce a new golfing member aged 18 or over and they renew their membership after their initial membership period, and they commence the payment of a joining fee, if applicable, you will get £50 bar card credit added to your clubhouse account, once they have made payment of their renewal subscription.


Office - 0141 638 9449

Clubhouse - 0141 638 0082

Pro Shop - 0141 638 3436


Mearns Road, Clarkston, Glasgow G76 7YL

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